"The LAB Center"
(ID Dance Project (Inna Aslamova-Belarus, Daniil Belkin-Ukraine)
This laboratory is a continuation of the way of working with the body and choreographic material, which we followed when creating the dance performance "In Four Hands". Defining our joint interest before the beginning of the creative process, we decided to rely only on bodily ideas, images and structures, consciously moving away from the psychological, emotional and social implications that inevitably arise when working with the body. In the current period of our professional development, we explore and consider our own body, rather, as a partner to whom we are turning, offering to develop some idea and create choreographic material. Trusting our body and following our intuition, we deliberately do not verbalize the emerging visual images that refer us to any specific definitions, statuses (states) and situations. This helps us to remain in the process of a deep dialogue with the body, as with a universe that can offer us solutions that cannot even be foreseen.
The main idea of our laboratory is to work with the center. Speaking about the center, we mean not only the center of gravity of our body, but also the center (base point) of a certain movement or space, composition. And we have a great curiosity to work with the center in one way or another.
We would like to propose to the project participants a number of tasks and tools that will help discover both the new qualities of their own movement and the ways of communication with a partner, group and space. We will also try to transfer the principles of interaction with the center of the partner to the interaction of the group with the designated center of space. We are awaited by the fascinating practice of different ways of interaction of the center with the periphery, with another center, with breathing, with changing space. Having defined the starting point of our research and having developed some structures, we still reserve the freedom to be as open and responsive as possible to the current process, defining the next step after each day.
The research process is an intrigue and unpredictable outcome. However, we dare to suggest that during our two-week laboratory we will create conditions for an individual approach to solving each problem, which is very important for us. Using the skills obtained as a result of our research, we will combine the movement material into a single structure that we will present to the audience. We hope that our proposal will be relevant not only for the participants of the laboratory and specialists in the field of dance, but also will cause an aesthetic and emotional response among the public. We will be happy to hear feedback from both the participants of the process and its observers during the final discussion.